
Nusa Tenggara Timur Woven fabric (batik handmade)

Nusa Tenggara Timur (East Nusa Tenggara) is a province of Indonesia. It is located in the eastern part of Lesser Sunda Islands and include West Timor. East Nusa Tenggara boast abundant creations of woven clotch dyed using plant extract that only produce beautiful long - lasting colors, but also outshine those created with chemical colorants. Fabrics from East Nusa Tenggara have various motifs reflecting different meanings and levels in the society. Here, we sold the woven fabric from East Nusa Tenggara.


Product Code : NTT01
Type of fabric : Woven Opnesel CB
Price : Rp 960000 (USD $ 96)
Size : S, M, L, XL.
* Size XL with different price.

Product Code : NTT02
Type of fabric : Woven  CB
Price : Rp 600000 (USD $ 60)
Size : S, M, L, XL.
* Size XL with different price.

Product Code : NTT03
Type of fabric : Couple T-Shirt
Price : Rp 960000 (USD $ 96)
Size : S, M, L, XL.
* Size XL with different price.
Product Code : NTT04
Type of fabric : Couple T-Shirt
Price : Rp 960000 (USD $ 96)
Size : S, M, L, XL.
* Size XL with different price.
Product Code : NTT05
Type of fabric : Woven Bolero 
Price : Rp 450000 (USD $45)
Size : S, M, L, XL.
* Size XL with different price.

Product Code : NTT06
Type of fabric : Woven Cabut Bulu (Pull Fur) 
Price : Rp 600000 (USD $60)
Size : S, M, L, XL.
* Size XL with different price.

Product Code : NTT07
Type of fabric : Mawa Merica Woven Fabric
Price : Rp 1,775,520 (USD $ 178)
Size : 65 x 170 cm 

Product Code : NTT08

Type of fabric : Pamina Alor Woven Fabric (blue)      
Price : Rp 712,800 (USD $ 72)
Size : 49 x 165 cm 

SIZE  : 100 X 150 CM
Price : Rp 1,425,600 (USD $143)

Product Code : NTT09
Type of fabric : Pamina Alor Woven Fabric (Red)
Price : Rp 712,800 (USD $ 72)
Size : 49 x 165 cm

Product Code : NTT10
Type of fabric : Mowa Kalumdana Woven Fabric 
Price : Rp 2,332,800 (USD $ 233)
Size : 160 x 158 cm

Product Code : NTT11
Type of fabric : Pepper Woven Fabric 
Price : Rp 2,138,400 (USD $ 214)
Size : 128 x 140 cm

Product Code : NTT012
Type of fabric : Sabu Woven Fabric 
Price : Rp 1,425,600 (USD $143)
Size : 78 x 260 cm

Product Code : NTT013
Type of fabric : Merica Merah Woven Fabric 
Price : Rp 1,775,520 (USD $177)
Size : 65 x 170 cm
Product Code : NTT014
Type of fabric : Insana Kuning Woven Fabric (Yellow)
Price : Rp 1,425,600 (USD $143)
Size : 100 x 150 cm

One Set (Sarong and Selendang)

Product Code : NTT015
Type of fabric : Sarong Insana Woven Fabric (on the right side )  and Selendang Insana (left side)
Size : 120 x 140 cm (Sarong) and  Size : 22 x 145 cm (Selendang)
Price : Rp 1,879,200 (USD $188)

One Set (Sarong and Selendang)

Product Code : NTT016
Type of fabric : Sarong Insana Woven Fabric (on the right side )  and Selendang Insana (left side)
Size : 118 x 140 cm (Sarong) and  Size : 25 x 140 cm (Selendang)
Price : Rp 1,879,200 (USD $188)

One Set (Sarong and Selendang)

Product Code : NTT017
Type of fabric : Sarong Rote Woven Fabric (on the right side ) and Selendang Rote (left side)
Size : 107 x 36  cm (Sarong) and  Size : 19 x 152 cm (Selendang)
Price : Rp 1,879,200 (USD $188)
One Set (Sarong and Selendang)

Product Code : NTT018
Type of fabric : Sarong Insana Woven Fabric (on the right side )  and Selendang Insana (left side)
Size : 144 x 122 cm (Sarong) and  Size : 18 x 140 cm (Selendang)
Price : Rp 1,879,200 (USD $188)

Product Code : NTT019
Type of fabric : RangRang Pelangi Bali Woven Fabric
Size : 108 x 200 cm
Price : Rp  907,200 (USD $91)

Product Code : NTT020
Type of fabric : RangRang Pelangi Orange Woven Fabric
Size : 108 x 212 cm
Price : Rp  907,200 (USD $91)
Product Code : NTT021
Type of fabric : RangRang Bali Woven Fabric
Size : 108 x 212 cm
Price : Rp  907,200 (USD $91)

Product Code : NTT022
Type of fabric : Selendang (Shawl) Alor Woven Fabric
Size : 22 x 148 cm
Price : Rp  246,240 (USD $25)

Product Code : NTT023
Type of fabric : Selendang (Shawl) Alor Woven Fabric
Size : 20 x 132 cm
Price : Rp  181,440 (USD $18)

Contact Person :
Email : cancer_uth@yahoo.co.id
Phone : +62-852-8500-9650

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